What can be added to the Mass.gov Knowledge Base to help you?

Notes from the Knowledge Base breakout session.

Questions and answers

Can you add instructional videos on the Knowledge Base for users to view?

We haven’t created videos for the Mass.gov Knowledge Base because there have been a lot of changes on the platform. Creating screenshots has been a quicker solution. However, we can put this on the list for future consideration.

Do you offer a site mapping product?

This could help us understand where content goes. The DOR doesn’t have a site map because a lot of pages are cross-departmental. We currently have a list of Org pages from Google Analytics. It would be nice to create/have a product that creates a site map for organizations to easily see how pages link together.

What do you like best in the Knowledge Base?

Page type info

Would you like a user introduction video?

Yes, we would like introduction videos for items like:

  • Page types

  • Navigating the CMS

  • Dashboards

Do you send new users to the Knowledge Base?

We (EEA) send new users to the Knowledge Base.

Can you add Google Analytics to the Knowledge Base?

Originally we didn’t want to include GA because a lot of the information is already out on the internet but a lot of people have asked for it. We have specific ways we set up GA that aren’t easy to figure out from general GA tutorials online. We can add this to the consideration list.

How can we set up social media accounts?

We would like to refer to the Knowledge Base to set up accounts and would like to know what that process looks like. Mass Digital can put together documentation on how to get started with Social Media. We would like to know the answers to these questions:

  • Who do we talk to?

  • What is the MassGovDigital policy?

  • Hootsuite

Last updated