
The "Find Misspellings" tool in Siteimprove can help you quickly target and correct potentially misspelled words on your agency's pages.

Misspellings are unfortunate. They can strip your content of its authority, and may make people question it. They’re best avoided.

Luckily, Siteimprove can help Mass.gov authors find and correct potential misspellings in their agency’s content. Here’s how the tool works.

Log in to Siteimprove and select your agency's group

First, log in to your Siteimprove account and make sure your agency’s group is selected so you can look at just your own pages. If you need a refresher on Siteimprove groups, see our Knowledge Base article here.

Once your agency’s group has been selected, you can get to the misspellings section by navigating to the “Quality Assurance” tab in the left rail menu.

In that tab, there will be a section called “Spelling.”

Use the 'Find Misspellings' or 'Pages with Misspellings or Words to Review' tools to see which pages might have typos

In this menu, the “Find Misspellings” tab will show you a table with misspellings, words that need review, and words that have been approved. You can see a list of pages that contain potentially misspelled words, with links to each page so you can examine the potentially misspelled word in context and, if necessary, correct it.

The “Pages with Misspellings or Words to Review” tab will give you the same data, organized by pages on Mass.gov instead of by misspelled word.

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