Location Detail

Use this for additional information that doesn't fit on a Location page.

Why use this content type?

A Location Detail page allows you to provide additional information that doesn’t fit on a Location page, or specialized or supplemental info about that location.

Examples of uses for this content type include:

  • Detailed information about hiking trails

  • Jury duty information about a specific courthouse

  • Historical or relevant information about a park or location

Location Detail pages can only be linked via autocomplete from the recommended activities field on park Location pages. If you’re working on a general Location page, you will have to add your Location Detail page as an inline or quick action link.


Title and Short description

The title and short description are the first things your audience sees. In fact, they might see them before they get to the page: If they’re coming from Google, the title is what will draw them to the page. It’s important that these are easy to read and use plain language.

Parent page

The required Parent page field appears on all public-facing content types and it powers the breadcrumb-based navigation system.

The Mass.gov team prepopulated the field based on an analysis of which child pages belong to which parent pages. Each child page can be assigned only 1 parent, or higher-level page.

These connections, displayed in the form of breadcrumbs (i.e., links) above the page title, will help Mass.gov visitors find their way to relevant information regardless of where they start on the site.


You’ll find the Organization(s) field at the bottom of the first tab in every Mass.gov content type, and in documents. This field tells Mass.gov’s search which pages belong to which organization.

This field also powers the "Offered by" relationship indicator (the small green rectangle(s) in the upper left corner) on each Mass.gov page. Making sure yours is right will help users who land on your content find their way to your Organization Page.

Intended audience

This field isn’t being used yet, so there’s no need to fill it in.


This is optional, however it is very helpful. Add one or more labels to be used to used for grouping and finding related content and documents within the CMS.

Start typing in the label(s) field to choose an existing label from a dropdown menu that will appear or add a new label by entering it directly.


Under this tab, you’ll see options for adding a section, video, or iFrame.

Adding Sections

Sections are mainly for written and image content. Each section on a Location Detail page includes a title, an optional content area, and Additional Resources, which can include links and downloads. You can reorder your sections by using the crosshairs in the upper left of each section to drag and drop them into a different order.

Adding Videos

You can also add videos that are hosted on YouTube or Vimeo to your Location Detail.

  1. Click Add Video

  2. Click Add new file or Add existing file

  3. Give your video a title in Media Name

  4. Paste the URL of your video into Video URL

  5. If you add content into Transcript and Video Description, Mass.gov will create a link to a page with your video and this content

Adding iFrames

An iFrame is a page-inside-a-page. You can think of it like the picture-in-picture option on your television: one source is “piped in” to another source. For example, MassWildlife uses an iFrame to show a report on where they’ve stocked trout, and where they’ll stock soon:

To add an iFrame to a Location Detail, you’ll need a URL from the source you want to embed in the page. This URL must be from a source that Mass.gov supports and is compatible with, such as Google docs or YouTube. Here’s a list of domains that you can use (must be logged in to view).

To add an iFrame:

  1. Click “Add iFrame”

  2. Add your iFrame’s URL to URL.

  3. In the Administrative Title, say what your iFrame shows. This will only be visible to other authors.

  4. You also need to enter text in Title for Accessibility. To do this, imagine what a user who experiences the internet through text read aloud would need to understand what the iFrame shows. Learn more about iFrames and accessibility.

  5. Enter a Height. Often, you will need to save a draft, review it, and adjust the height. Trial-and-error is the best method for picking the right height.

If your content is large or involves user interaction, it might be better to link directly to it. There are limits to how responsive iFrames are.

If you have questions about iFrames, please submit a support request through ServiceNow.

Add links to content on or off of Mass.gov.

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