Request CMS help via ServiceNow

ServiceNow is a system to request support for and ask questions about

If you need help with your content, reach out to the Digital Service team with ServiceNow—a ticketing system we use to manage requests for help.

We'll either address your questions directly through ServiceNow, or follow up by email or phone. If your issue requires a more thorough discussion, we'll arrange a 30-minute office hours session via Teams.

Please do not request help by email. ServiceNow helps us triage, track, and follow customer issues with the CMS. It also provides us with helpful data about the kinds of issues authors experience using the CMS. We use that data to continually improve the system and our services.

Request help


It will be helpful to bookmark this direct link to the Support catalog, for easy access.

Your name will auto-populate when you begin to fill out your request. You can also choose the “Request on behalf of” checkbox to submit a request for someone else.

Note: If you submit a request on behalf of someone else, the person you’re requesting support for will receive the confirmation and notification emails. You won’t have access to this support request after you submit.

Enter your phone number and use the "Need help with" dropdown menu to narrow your request topic. You will also enter a desired timeframe and (optionally) enter a relevant URL. In the “description” field, write as much detail as possible.

When sending a request, keep these tips in mind, as they will help us resolve your problem quickly. Be sure to share with us:

  • Any relevant URLs that you’ve been working on or that you want to work on

  • What you’re trying to do and why you can’t do it

  • Any error messages, either in text or with a screenshot

  • When you noticed the problem, and the last time you edited content

  • How often the problem happens, or if it’s the first time

  • What kind of browser you’re using

If you’re not sure, visit If you're having trouble logging into the CMS, tell us your Internet Provider (IP) Address. Not sure where to find your IP address? Visit and look for the numbers following "Your Public IPv4 is." Ex. 123.456.78.900

If you would like to add an attachment to further detail your request, click the paperclip at the bottom of the screen.

Communicate with us through ServiceNow

Sometimes, you’ll need to tell us something, answer a question, or clarify your request after you’ve opened a support request. To do this, click on the View Ticket Details button at the bottom of the email or directly reply to the ServiceNow email. You can include attachments just like you would with a normal email to a colleague.

You can also access any support requests from the ServiceNow interface. Click My Tickets at the top right of the page, and then view My Open Tickets. From this menu, you’ll be able to access and update any support request you’ve opened.

When your request is completed

When we’ve answered your request, you’ll get an email that says “Requested Item Completed.” Under closure notes, you’ll see our answer.

A few important things about our closure notes:

  • If you have submitted a support request about a bug or confusing functionality, we’ll provide you with the internal number we use to keep track of it. It will be a DP-XXXX number. Once we fix it, we’ll use this number to report that we’ve fixed it.​

  • If we’ve reached out to you for more information but haven’t heard back in 2 business days, we’ll send you a message letting you know we are closing your support request until we hear from you again.

If you still need assistance, please submit a new support request.

Last updated