Browse, comment, and track Feature Requests

See what others have suggested, contribute use cases, and vote for your priorities.

Explore the Requests

In the Feature Request board in GitHub, click a request's title to bring up a preview of that request on the right side of your browser. If a request has a long description, or if you want to read what others have said about it, click the “full details” button at the bottom of the preview. The full details view includes all the comments that others have added to the request.

Use the search bar in the upper right to look for requests that interest you. Anything you enter will filter out all cards that don’t include your search term(s).

You can also filter by label. At the bottom of each card you’ll see 1 or more labels, which describe the request and/or what the request affects. Clicking a label will tell the board to show you only the cards that include that label. You can also use the search bar to search for a label by typing “label: ” and the subject. For example, if you’re interested in image-related requests, you would search for “label: images.”

Note: Clicking 2 labels will filter for cards that have both labels. If you want to search for a different label instead, clear your filter by clicking the “x” that appears in the search bar.

Clicking “menu” at the top right of the screen will present you with a view of the latest activity on the board: New requests, moved requests, etc.

Help us prioritize work by advocating for requests that matter to you

Mass Digital prioritizes requests that many content authors have asked for, and that will have the biggest impact on users.

If you’re logged in to GitHub, you can vote for a request either from its preview or from its detailed view. To vote from the preview, mouse over the description of the request, and a gray smiley face icon will appear in the upper right. Choose the “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” to vote for or against a request. You’ll see your reaction appear beneath the previews’ request description. We also recommend you leave a comment telling us why you voted the way you did.

‌From the full details view, you can add a reaction to the main description and to any of the comments on the request. To do this, find the gray smiley face dropdown in the upper right of the description or comment and choose your preferred emoji.

You can also write a comment in the box at the bottom of the request’s detailed view. You can delete and edit comments once you’ve posted them.

Finally, click the “subscribe” button in the menu on the right to receive email notifications anytime the request is updated or commented on.

Note: You’ll be automatically subscribed to any request you comment on. You will not be automatically subscribed if you vote for a request.

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