2017 releases

Releases made in 2017.

0.63.0 - 0.60.0

Dec. 27, 2017 (0.63.0)

  • Fixed a bug that removed the link to contact information on Guide pages which was sending users to an error page (DP-6228).

  • When searching for a page in an autocomplete field (for example, the Related Links on Service Details), you should no longer see Legacy Redirects, Person, Contact Information, or other unlinkable content types in the list (DP-7034).

Dec. 22, 2017 (0.62.0)

  • We improved how thumbnails display on location listings (DP-5916).

  • We added validation so that when you create a legacy redirect, Mass.gov will verify that the legacy URL you've entered comes from a legacy Mass.gov site (DP-7072).

Dec. 20, 2017 (0.61.0)

  • We've added a better way to link to documents in rich text. These links will update automatically, and they won't require users to navigate to a new page. Learn how the new "download link" feature works (DP-6466).

  • We released Rules of Court, a content type whose purpose is to give users the latest information about court practices and procedures. Here's what this content type looks like (DP-6555).

  • Links added to the Related links section of a Regulation or Executive Order page now appear when you published the page. (DP-6240)

  • You can now restrict access to unpublished drafts. Learn how to restrict access to draft content (DP-4803).

  • Fixed a bug where clicking on links to related services (on Service Pages) caused an error (DP-7024).

Dec. 15, 2017 (0.60.0)

  • When using an autofill field to link to another Mass.gov page, page titles will be preceded by their content type. For example, imagine that there are 2 pages called "Test page," and that one is a Service Page and the other is a How-to. When you enter "Test page" in an autofill field, you will receive a list with items like, "Service Page: Test page," and "How-to Page: Test page" (DP-3249).

0.59.1 - 0.55.0

Dec. 13, 2017 (0.59.1)

  • When using an autofill field to link to another Mass.gov page, page titles will be preceded by their content type. For example, imagine that there are 2 pages called "Test page," and that one is a Service Page and the other is a How-to. When you enter "Test page" in an autofill field, you will receive a list with items like, "Service Page: Test page," and "How-to Page: Test page" (DP-3249).

Dec. 7, 2017 (0.58.0)

  • If you add more than 2 events or more than 4 related locations to a page, Mass.gov will generate a "See all" listing to show all additional events or related locations. This listing page look similar to the "See all" listings for services or locations (DP-5385).

Dec. 5, 2017 (0.57.0)

  • Mass.gov now updates pages more quickly when a piece of content that is referenced on another page is changed (DP-6519). For example:

    • New content that goes from unpublished to published (e.g. a new press release or a new event page) appears online immediately. Listings like the news listing page and listings of news and event items on the org page will take on average 35 minutes to refresh after an update.

    • When a contact information is updated, updates will take on average 35 minutes to appear on all referenced locations.

    • Note: the update time could be faster than 35 minutes. At most, it can take 70 minutes.

  • News listing pages ("See all news and announcements" from an organization page) now include the name of the organization, date and type of each news item. When a listing is in the related area of another page, it will include the type of news item and date but not the organization (DP-6094).

  • On pages that can show events, when there are no upcoming events but there are past events, the page will now display a "See past events" link (which links to the past events listing page). When there are upcoming events, the "See all events" link goes to an upcoming events listing page. That page shows upcoming events and includes a link to past events at the top of the page (DP-6112).

  • Events that reference Associated Pages now display without an error even if the referenced page has been deleted (DP-7019).

  • Pages that allow a video to appear in the sidebar now display without error even if the referenced video has been deleted (DP-7023).

  • We fixed a bug that was removing trailing slashes (slashes at the end of the URL) from legacy redirect URLs (DP-7047).

Nov. 30, 2017 (0.56.0)

  • Two new buttons now appear in the rich text editor (DP-4757).

    • insert a character symbol (button is Greek letter omega: Ω)

    • remove formatting from Word or Google Docs (button is an underlined T with a small x in lower right)

  • To improve security, HTML and Javascript embedded in some fields on some content types will no longer be rendered. We will be making the same change to other fields over time. (DP-6196)

    • Custom HTML on a field in the following page types will not render: Service Details, Regulations, News, Location, Location details, How-to, Guide, Form, Event, Decision.

    • Approved HTML used in the rich text editor fields (bold, italics, hyperlinks, bullets, etc) will not be affected by this change.

  • We have added missing Medical Marijuana and Autism sub-committee documents to Drupal. (DP-6630)

  • Twitter cards (link information in a tweet) now have images that come from the referenced webpage metadata (DP-6658).

  • We corrected an error which prevented legacy redirects from being created in some circumstances when the system thought that a legacy redirect already existed for a page (DP-6831).

Nov. 28, 2017 (0.55.0)

  • You can now see all content types when searching for content using the My Content: All Content (or My Work or Needs Review) pages. In particular, searches for Regulations, Persons, Forms, and Fees will now show results (DP-5715).

  • The images for "Related Parks" on Location pages now use the correct image. They were previously showing the "Legacy" image (DP-6915).

  • We corrected the spelling of "superseding." This is an option for an adjustment type of an Executive Order, and had been misspelled as "superceding" (DP-5969).

Last updated