
A subtype that highlights members of a board, commission, or committee.


The Board is a subtype of the Organization Page that highlights the members of a board, commission, or committee. When you choose the “Board” subtype, you’ll see a new tab called “Boards,” where you’ll find the features that this resource covers.

Note: Before you begin adding board members, make sure you’ve created the right Person items. The Board Members section of a Board page gets its information from Person items.

Boards tab


Say what the group’s members are called: Board members, Commission members, Commissioners, etc.

There are 2 sections where you can add board members: “Featured Board Members” and “Board Members.” Images for "Featured Board Members" are larger than the others.

In each board member’s Board Role field, enter the board member’s role/job. The rest of the content – the image and bio – will come from a Person item, which you'll need to create separately.

Vacant positions

If a particular role is currently vacant, you can check the Position Is Vacant box.

This will cause “Vacant” to appear under the role or title:

You may add as many board members as you need, but by default, only the first 8 members, including the 2 featured, will appear on the Org page. Users will have the option to expand the list by clicking “Show all members.”

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