Duplicate (clone) a page

Creating a copy is especially useful for recurring meetings or events.

The “Clone” feature within the CMS can save you time when you need to create closely-related content, such as recurring meetings or a series of educational pages. It creates a copy of the content you’ve already drafted or published.

Note: You can use the "Clone" feature to copy an Organization page that you are revamping, such as when adding a Featured Item Mosaic. But it's best to make the actual changes in your existing Organization page rather than deleting the original Org page and redirecting it to the new cloned one. Doing the latter could result in broken links.

Watch video on cloning pages.

How to clone (copy) your content

You can create your clone from the specific page that you’re about to clone or from the dropdown menu on the “All content” or "My content pages."

Once you select CLONE from either of these entry points, you’ve made a clone of the page.

Cleaning up your clone

Once you’ve cloned your content, you'll need to clean it up so you don't publish an exact replica of the page you copied. It's important that all the content is accurate and none of it is duplicative.

For example, if you’ve cloned an Event with the date of June 20, your clone will also have the date of June 20. Make sure to update the date and time accordingly.

Always review your cloned page thoroughly before publishing, especially if the original contained things like:

  • Scheduled publishing

  • File attachments

  • Specific dates

Always check your page title. The title of your clone will automatically begin with “Clone of [original page].” You’ll have to change this title before you can save your work.

If you don’t update the clone’s title, the CMS will prevent you from saving or publishing your page and display an error message.

Important notes about cloning pages

  • You (the person cloning the page) will be the author of the new page, even if the page you originally cloned was authored by someone else.

  • If the page you cloned has a “latest version” (such as an unpublished draft) you will be cloning the current public-facing published version (not what you see in editing).

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