Content readability

Step-by-step guide to checking your content's grade level.


Step 1: Log in, find the navigation menu on the left, and click “Quality Assurance.”

Step 2: Click “Readability.”

Step 3: Click “Pages.”

You’ll see a list of your pages ranked by readability score from highest to lowest grade level. You can look for a specific page by entering a page title or URL in the search bar at the upper right of the list:

Step 4: Select a page

Click a page on the list to see a preview of it in Siteimprove. You’ll be able to use Siteimprove to help you assess why your reading level is high.

Step 5: Analyze your content

You‘ll also see how many polysyllabic words and long sentences are on your page. Clicking the number next to either option will:

  • Open a more detailed report

  • Highlight the relevant words or phrases in the Siteimprove preview of your content

Step 6: Edit your content in the CMS

To edit your content based on what you’ve learned from Siteimprove, you can click the “Edit in CMS” in the toolbar at the top of the page:

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