Custom search component

Add a search box to your Organization, Promotional, or Service page.

Authors can choose to have a custom search component on Organization, Service and Promotional pages.

This functionality allows authors to install a search component on their pages that goes to a Collection or to an external URL. This page, for example, Technology Careers at the Commonwealth of Massachusetts |, takes visitors off to Taleo from the blue “Search Job Openings” box.

What to do in the CMS

In the CMS, authors will see two options when creating a custom search:

  1. Collection. In this case, the author chooses the relevant Collection for the search when building the page. This functionality can be found, for example, on the MCAD Hearing Decisions page. To learn more about setting up a Collection, read this article in the Knowledge Base.

  2. External Search Destination. For this search option, authors will need to provide a target URL for the search. Some criteria apply:

    1. The URL must begin with https://

    2. The site must use the “GET” method, meaning the search term appears in the URL. (See the help text in the CMS for examples.)

    3. The URL should not contain the query parameter. For example, many sites (such as Google) use “keyword”, “query”, or “q” as the query parameter. You will provide the parameter in a separate field. (See the help text in the CMS for more details.)

    4. You must also provide the search heading. For example, "Search jobs..."

    You have the option to customize the text that appears to the right of the search box. If you leave it empty, the gray box won't display. You can also customize the footer text if you choose.

Last updated