Content that needs attention

Find out quick information about your content's performance with this component on the Welcome Screen.


In order to consistently deliver visitors the best digital experience possible, it’s important to maintain high performing content. The Web Analytics Dashboards help identify the performance of your content, but it can be difficult knowing where to begin.

The "Content that needs attention" dashboard on the Welcome Screen in the CMS will help you answer that question. This dashboard displays your organization’s top viewed pages that have several broken links or "no's per 1000" (the number of people who answered "no" to the "Did you find?" feedback component).

How it works

You’ll find the "Content that needs attention" front and center on the Welcome Screen.

This dashboard will display up to 10 of your organization's top-trafficked pages that have enough broken links or "no's per 1000" that they merit your prompt attention. The data is clickable. If you click on the number under "no's per 1000" it will take you to page feedback. Clicking on the number of broken links will take you to the page's analytics where you can get more information or look up the issue in Siteimprove.

The content displayed on this dashboard isn’t necessarily content you’ve created or edited. It’s any page where the information in the Organization(s) field matches the organization tied to your user account.

For more information about how your Organization's content is performing, you can use the Content Performance report.

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