
The purpose of a tag is to collect data, label it so that it's easy to use in analysis later, and send it to Google Analytics.

Unlike tags in an HTML context such as <body>, <p>, <li>, etc... when we refer to tags used in the analytics world, we refer to code that you can install on your website or apps to track and collect data.

Standard tags: Summary


Required dimensions


Required fields

Other features


Session ID (dimension 1), Timestamp (dimension 2,allowLinker=true, Client ID, cookieName=_ga

Remove GA query string, AutoLink domains field must contain the list of domains that Mass Digital sends you

Virtual pageview

Session ID (dimension 1), Timestamp (dimension 2,allowLinker=true, Client ID, cookieName=_ga


Remove GA query string, AutoLink domains field must contain the list of domains that Mass Digital sends you

Link click

Session ID (dimension 1), Timestamp (dimension 2,

Category: Task Path

Action: Link click constant + : +{{Click Text}}.

Label: {{Click URL}}

Button click

Session ID (dimension 1), Timestamp (dimension 2,

Category: Task Path

Action: Button as link constant + : +{{Click Text}}.

Label: {{Button Type}} or blank

You'll most frequently make 2 types of tags:


Pageview tags "fire" when a page is loaded. You can think of them as the equivalent of the DOMContentLoaded event in Javascript.


Events tags collect information about interactions with pages--clicks, scrolling, video plays, etc. While Google treats both events and page views as "hit level data," they're captured differently.

Last updated