OSD Dashboard


This document outlines the metrics found in the OSD dashboard, the context for each metric, and why these metrics matter to the intended audience consuming the dashboard. This document serves as a history of the changes made, and describes the "trail map" of future enhancements and fixes.

The dashboard is primarily concerned with data around Mass.gov pages owned by the Operational Services Division.

Dashboard audience

We produced this dashboard at the request of Suzanne Pierre, an OSD (Operational Services Division) content author. She wants start incorporating more data into measuring content success, and are interested in using this dashboard as a baseline for maintaining and tracking improvements in FY21.

Dashboard filters

On every page of this dashboard you will see filters that let you change:

  • The time range that charts and tables are set to (default time range is set to this month to date)

Metrics and context

All metrics are shown for the current month to date.

Below, we outline the metrics of each page of the dashboard along with context for why they matter to the audience.

Page 1 - Overall Traffic

Pageview Line Graph

This line graph shows pageviews and unique pageviews for the time period specified.

Page Table

This table shows several metrics around Page metrics for pages within the OSD organization:

  • Page Title - the title of the page

  • Page - the URL of the page

  • Pageviews - any view of page

  • Unique- aggregated pageviews from a single visitor in a single session

  • Average Time on Page - the average amount of time visitors spent on a particular page

  • Bounce Rate - visitors who viewed the single page and left the site without viewing any other page

  • % Exit - the percent of visitors who left the site from a particular page


There is a filter that let's you narrow down the page to either 1 or more specific pages. This will change the line graph as well as the table.

Page 1 Context

This page serves to give OSD stakeholders a general idea of how visitors are interacting with the OSD content, as well as areas for improvement.

Page 2 - Downloads

Downloads by URL (older data) table

This table shows the name of the file URL, how many times it was downloaded, how many sessions contained a download of a particular file, and on average, how many downloads occurred per session.

Note: this is per session, not per user. A user could initiate several sessions over a period of time.

Also note that this table accounts for date prior to early July 2020. The Digital Analytics team has been reworking how data is collected in Google Analytics, which changes how we report on it. In the future, we will only need one table to show events such as downloads; however, we want to preserve your ability to compare recent time periods, and the only way to do that at this time in by using two tables.

Downloads by URL (new data) table

Just like the table above, this table shows all the same metrics; however, it will show data collected after July 2020. This will be where are all new data will be shown.


In addition to the date filter, you are able to sort the tables by either file URL or by the service family of the page the file is on.

Note: that depending on your selection one table may show "no data". This simply means that your selection was not applied to data either pre or post the data changes discussed above.

Page 2 Context

This page shows OSD stakeholders which files are most downloaded on OSD pages, allowing them to make decisions about content restructuring to better show important files and measuring success (answering questions like is this file being downloaded an number of times that match our expectations?).

Trail Map

  • Downloads by document (requires the addition of a spreadsheet that links a document URL to OSD)

  • ℹ️ Service family filter (requires us to add a lookup via a spreadsheet, since service families in GA are only a few weeks old)

  • % of sessions with a download by page (some spreadsheet math)

Last updated