Contact Tracing dashboard documentation


This document outlines the metrics found in the contact tracing dashboard, the context for each metric, and why these metrics matter to the dashboard’s intended audience. This document serves as a history of the changes made, and describes the "trail map" of future enhancements and fixes.

The dashboard is primarily concerned with data around 1 page:

  • /lists/covid-19-contact-tracing-resources-and-information

Dashboard audience

We produced this dashboard for the Director of Communicators for the Massachusetts Health Connector. He was interested in learning who is using this page, which lists resources for contact tracing in Massachusetts, both in and out of the state. We suspect that Health Connector personnel are interested in learning about the uptake and reach of contact tracing information, especially now, when “test and trace” is becoming an important part of the solution for opening the state back up.

One important note about this audience is that they are self-described beginners at web analytics. While we added a glossary, we also are hoping to schedule some time to walk them through the first draft of the dashboard so that they understand what each metric and term means.


All metrics are shown for the current month to date.

All pages in the dashboard have a date range filter that can be manipulated to show a certain period of time and allows for comparisons to other periods of time. The default state of the date range is “this month to date’.”

Traffic Summary (page 1)

Traffic to contact tracing page (vs. last month)

This line chart shows the amount of traffic that has landed on the Contact Tracing page over time (set by the date range filter on the page) compared to the same time during the previous period.

Source of traffic

This pie chart shows where the traffic came from when users landed on the Contact Tracing page.

Traffic by state and city

The table shows a breakdown of the state, city, and metro by sessions (traffic) for users who landed on the Contact Tracing page.

Campaign-driven traffic

This pie chart shows the campaigns that resulted in sessions (traffic) to the Contact Tracing landing page.

Page controls

This page allows dashboard users to filter all charts on the page by city or state, in addition to date.

Traffic summary context

The Traffic Summary page is meant to give a quick overview of the general trend of traffic and users who landed on the Contract Tracing page, where that traffic is coming from, and the campaigns that are contributing to the landing page traffic. This can give dashboard users an idea of where their most engaged users are geographically, what sources they use to find information (such as Google or Bing), and if users are engaging with the campaigns.

Audience (page 2)

This flowchart shows the number of people who visit the Contact Tracing page (unique pageviews) and go on to view other pages (left path) and those who click links leading to non websites from the Contact Tracing page (right path). This can be read as “of those who land on the Contract Tracing page, X number view subsequent pages and Y number click to external sources.”

Other content visitors are also interested in

This table is meant to add color to the left path of the flowchart (those who view subsequent pages). Here, dashboard users can see what pages visitors to the target page were most likely to view in addition to the Contact Tracing page.

Traffic to contact tracing page by hour of day

This line chart shows the traffic (unique pageviews) to the Contact Tracing page by hour of the day for the period of time selected in the date range selector.

New vs. returning visitors

This pie chart shows the number of visitors who have previously visited the Contract Tracing page versus those who are visiting for the first time (for the period of time selected in the date range selector).

Page controls

In addition to controlling the date range, dashboard users can filter data by campaign source (which is shown in the source pie chart on page 1), and all charts on the page will update accordingly.. Users can select one or multiple campaigns. The page shows all traffic by default.

Audience context

The goal of the audience page is to help dashboard users understand what visitors to their page typically do, when they are most likely to visit, and what other content they tend to be interested in. This can help dashboard users understand what visitors are looking for, if there is a difference between all visitors and those who come to the page from campaigns, and other insights.

Search Terms search terms that led to the Contact Tracing page

This table shows the search terms people used to find the Contact Tracing page from It also shows the number of times that term was searched. Note: People often use variations on the same search term, and this results in many records for very similar searches on the dashboard, e.g. “contact tracing info” and “contact trace info”.

Table control

This table allows you to filter by the one or multiple search queries for the Contact Tracing page.

Google search terms that led to the contact tracing page

This table shows the search terms people typed into Google that resulted in them landing on the Contact Tracing page--or in it appearing in one of their searches. Similar to the table above, there will be a lot of variations in the terms used, which will be broken up across several lines. Impressions is the number of times people saw the contact tracing page in the search results, and URL Clicks is the number of times they actually clicked to the page.

Table control

Dashboard users can filter by one or multiple queries to see the breakdown in clicks and impressions for each.

Search terms context

Understanding the words people use to find content can be very revealing. This page is meant to help dashboard users understand these words and how they are used across both internal ( and external (Google) sources to find the content they are looking for.

Trail Map

  • Nothing currently planned.

Last updated