Paidleave tasks

Documentation for how we determine the `taskPath` (event category) variable

This is about how we determine taskPath for If you're not sure what taskPath is, start here.

There are 2 main tasks you can accomplish on paidleave: file for paid leave benefits or review a paid leave claim. There are also some miscellaneous tasks that don't fit into these main paths.

What the user's doing

task path

Applies to which URLs (examples)

Submitting a paidleave claim



Reviewing a paidleave claim

review claim


Logging on


/login, /verify-account, /consent-to-data-sharing

Resetting a password

reset password

/forgot-password, /reset-password

Create a claimant account

create claimant account


Create an employer account

create employer account


Claimant landing page

claimant dashboard

/, /dashboard/, /applications/, /applications/get-ready/

Something else

unknown task or unknown employer task


Last updated